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A look inside the world of rapidly renewable materials. 

altPlus collaborates with tsimtsum, a global small and beautiful furniture design brand, leveraging their local strengths

altPlus PR Team

altPlus collaborates with tsimtsum, a global small and beautiful furniture design brand, leveraging their local strengths

Dan's shop in Paris, France

Tsimtsum meets altPlus

"tsimtsum" is a Hebrew word which refers to contraction, reduction, and optimization. Inspired by this idea, Dan Kimhi founded tsimtsum with the vision of creating space-saving, simple, and functional furniture using strong, natural, and sustainable bamboo.

Eden storage bed

Dan Kimhi studied and worked in scientific and technological research in the U.S. before moving to France in 1993. There, he co-founded and managed Sof, a modern bedding and furniture company. Building on that experience, in 2011, he began designing furniture made from bamboo panels, which are primarily sourced from China, the country's main supplier of bamboo. This initial foray into bamboo furniture led to the birth of the tsimtsum brand in 2015, introducing a new concept of lightweight design furniture utilizing basic bamboo strips.

Dan Kimh

“At the end of 2015 I was introduced to Eric, who also works in the bamboo material industry. Given our shared interests, we formed a connection and saw the potential for collaboration," said Dan. While tsimtsum designs all the products, altPlus provides support on the Chinese side, assisting with production, inspection, and project management. This cooperation between the two teams strengthens the product supply chain.

altPlus: The quality gatekeeper for bamboo furniture growth in 2024

Erev convertible bi-fold sofa and Layla bedside tables

With its extensive experience in bamboo manufacturing and local strengths, altPlus effectively supports bamboo design brands. Reflecting on the partnership, altPlus CEO Eric stated, "altPlus and the tsimtsum brand have a longstanding friendship and history of collaboration in the bamboo sector. It was only natural for us to seize the opportunity to drive business growth together and explore avenues for expanding tsimtsum's availability."

Throughout 2023, the two parties collaborated on the development of various bamboo furniture products, including Eden storage-bed, Erev convertible bi-fold sofa, and Layla bedside tables. These furniture pieces adhere to strict process requirements and quality control standards, from design to production. altPlus played a crucial role in project management, ensuring meticulous attention to detail, including component dimensions and installation methods.

The tsimtsum brand places emphasis on space-saving and sustainable materials in furniture applications. Products based on this philosophy are bound to be well-received and recognized by the market, both in China and overseas. "In 2024, we aim to leverage our combined strengths to help bamboo brands expand their market presence through distribution reach," added Eric.

As public awareness of bamboo continues to grow, we believe that bamboo products will experience even greater popularity in the future market. Our hope is that more individuals can contribute to the sustainable development of the Earth through the use of bamboo!


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